Majorityrights Central > Category: European Union

Goodnight Vienna.  Goodbye Brussels.

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 23 May 2016 23:22.

So nationalism’s window of opportunity in Austria is closed for the time being.  Norbert Hofer has failed by the narrowest margin in his bid to become president of Austria.  It was the bravest of attempts.  But yet again the anti-white, anti-nation Establishment has succeeded in pulling enough votes together to beat off the challenger.  Nationalism awaits its breakthrough in the West.

The spotlight now shifts to Britain and the struggle – nationalist as well as patriotic - for sovereign nationhood, democratic right, the ability to make our own laws, and to control our own borders, all of which is at stake one month from now in the June 23rd referendum on membership of the European Union.

Here, too, the Establishment, in the form of Remain, is calling-in every favour and using every governing-party trick it possibly can, every conceivable negative argument, however overblown and improbable, to terrify the voters over the economic and security consequences of Leaving.  We’ve had Treasury talk of runs on the pound if we leave, as well as run-away inflation, and a year-long recession with a million job cuts.  We’ve had talk of being locked out of European markets for a decade, of more terrorism on our soil, even of a new world war.  We’ve had Obama making threats, the EU Commission president making threats, the IMF wagging its corrupt finger.  We’ve had the Confederation of British Industry, the British Chamber of Commerce, corporate CEOs by the hundred, charities, the arts, the unions, the National Health Service, the environmentalists ... you name it, every one of them has proved only too keen to lecture the British public on how to vote.  It’s amazing what self-interest can do.

Remain, of course, is only about protecting its own programme of internationalism, and the wealth and position that provides.  But the bulk of the electorate appears to be by no means engaged or interested enough to understand that.  Over the last three weeks or so the polling companies have found consistently for the efficacy of Project Fear.  There are significant differences between the results they obtain by telephone polling and on-line polling, the former showing anything up to an 18% lead for Remain (albeit taken from a London poll), and the latter generally a lead of about 5%.  Tonight the Telegraph is wittering on about a collapse in the vote for Leave.

Leave, certainly, has proven unable to get its message across - in no small measure because the Tory Establishment operation which won the official campaign designation is (a) reactive and chaotic in its campaigning methods, (b) institutionally hostile to Nigel Farage and UKIP, and (c) won’t give more than a cursory coverage of immigration, which is the principal issue in the public mind and the greatest weakness of the Remainers.  It would rather lose the referendum than see UKIP take credit for victory.  It is a classic case of putting party before country.

So what will happen on June 23rd?  Well, the last national election, on May 12th 2015, demonstrated that the polling companies do not necessarily know how to model the British electorate.  I’ve been reading the threads at Anthony Wells blog, UK Polling Report, and it is astonishing to me how little support for Leave is expressed therein, in contrast to the newspaper page-polls and threads which show support for Leave over Remain at about 60/40 on the left-leaning papers and up to 80-20 on the right-leaning ones.  Yet at Wells’ blog one encounters the soft-left/liberal urban intelligentsia mouthing its presumptions with perfect self-confidence.  They all seem to be constitutionally incapable of valuing what the people value.  Ask them what they value above sovereign nationhood, democracy and freedom, and they won’t answer, because they haven’t thought about it before and they don’t know.  But these are the people who are telling us what we think.  I am wondering whether they are remotely capable of understanding who and what the Leave voter is, and why he or she has such a passion for change (ie, because of people like them).

We’ll find out who is right, anyway, in one month.  My money is still on Leave, but then I am a stubborn soul, not to be shifted.  I just hope and believe that we are all of that mind.

Imperative to replace Golden Rule of Altruism w Silver Rule of Reciprocity for European Moral Order

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 22 May 2016 16:10.

          The Sermon on The Mount Ensconces The Golden Rule of Altruism

Majorityrights prefers to deal with verifiable reality as opposed to speculative theory and faith based systems of rules as we look after the interests of our people. We are looking after genetic groupings and genetic interests as key criteria, even if these are not the only important verifiable criteria to keep track of our peoplehood and that of others. Rationale and rule structures are another criteria for that purpose.

While existence is of course equiprimordial to genetic interests, to secure it for any span and legacy requires rationale and varying degrees of sophistication to negotiate complex rule structures of interaction. “Rules” (1) are the term of common currency that we will use for the logics of meaning and action that people use to negotiate interaction and these complex, protracted exchanges beyond episode, close personal relationships in yield to maturity of their full social system; and its relation to other social systems.

For those of us who are coming from this kind of perspective, where we perceive ourselves as rationally and empirically grounded, it is difficult to understand someone like pastor David Blackburn, his love of Jesus that would have him not only forgive, but want to share his love of Jesus with the men who raped and murdered his wife and unborn child; but to my knowledge, he is at least not hoping to get them released from prison.

It is even more difficult to understand European peoples allowing, even welcoming foreign incursions into The U.K., Sweden, France and Germany - it is difficult to fathom the mindset of a Merkel, who would destroy our European peoples in service to non-Europeans. But there is one rule, convoluted rule, that they have in common and makes their position intelligible to us despite their apparent irrationality.

The Golden Rule is a part of the Sermon on the Mount, which is a central text in the Christian faith. It states: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. There are similar instructions in many other cultures.

Despite receiving high respect and wide popularity, the rule raises critical questions. What is the recommendation more exactly, and is it good advice?

This post will prepare a discussion of the work of Jan Tullberg - viz., the difference between the golden rule of benevolence as opposed to the silver rule of reciprocity - as it applies to assist in the reconstruction of a necessary consensus of moral rules among European peoples and for coordinating our relations to others.

There is a consensus among advocates of European peoples that in essence we seek to secure the existence of our people. There is much dispute over how that is to be done…


Brexit the movie

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 13 May 2016 19:24.

From a Breitbart London thread:

normalgate42 minutes ago

It would be a pretty good film if the talking heads were not so keen to label nationalist dissent as “far right” and “xenophobic”. Nationalism is the only means to a secure existence for European peoples - something the labellers obviously don’t care about.

Daisy  • 33 minutes ago

I knew that comment would come up - that didn’t sit well with me either but I guess they wanted to appeal to people across the spectrum as much as possible and distance themselves from “nationalism” - in fact “ultra nationalism” was referred to at one point, whatever that is!

However, I think we just have to “take one for the team” and use whatever ammunition we have - it’s a good movie otherwise.

The launch of Martin Durkin’s Brexit the movie was, iconically, at The Odeon, Leicester Square:


A question to those who know eastern Europe

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 06 May 2016 22:33.

Yesterday the Polish government dissolved the state council responsible for practising anti-racism in the country.

“The council proved to be rather inefficient,” Rafał Bochenek, spokesperson for the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party told reporters in Warsaw, AFP reported. He added that there were “more efficient” bodies that would carry on the work.

It was yet another reminder that the nations of the Slav east do not intend to allow the immigration and ethnic dissolution that the political class has, for nearly seven decades, inflicted on the peoples of the west of the continent, or the Jewish-authored and prescribed engines of culture-war which everywhere materialise alongside it.  The governments and peoples of the east clearly wish to live.

But what sort of governments are they?

Jean Sobieski repulses the Turks
Sobieski sending message of victory to the Pope after the Battle of Vienna, by Jan Matejko, 1880, National Museum, Kraków

Certainly, they would use the word “conservative”, among others, to describe themselves.  But Brezhnev was conservative.  The ayatollahs of Iran are conservative.  It tells us little.  Of course we can see that these governments are not neoliberal and internationalist, just as they are not socialist or radically equalitarian.  But neither are they definitively nationalist (though they plainly do connect to the true interests of the people).

What, then, are they?

The question is apt, because for us in the west these governments are modelling freedom from the liberal-internationalist paradigm.  They are struggling to co-exist within that paradigm for the advantages it offers them (escape from the bear to the east, modernisation, prosperity) while firmly rejecting the proffered ethnic poison pill.  Now, it may be that this balancing act will prove impossible in even the medium term.  But if it does there can be little doubt that the people’s will to life will hold sway (always assuming, of course, that the power politics of the EU, America, and the Jewish elites does not first succeed in sweeping loyal men out of government and replacing them with neoliberal traitors).

Like a lot of people I am immensely taken with the sight of loyal government.  But I fear that there is no philosophical ground beneath the feet … nothing to sustain and guide, nothing to live by beyond loyalty.  I believe in that necessity.  I believe that our people in the West must replace not just the liberal way of politics but the philosophy which generates it.  We cannot develop a new life while we still ground ourselves in the old liberal one.  Can these governments and these peoples in the east really find a way to life and freedom in perpetuity with the political and intellectual tools they have now, whatever those are?

European Union: A Complete Waste of Time?

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sunday, 01 May 2016 11:55.


Taking the Brexit position can lead to some really interesting conversations. I had the displeasure of being told that I was ‘essentially committing arson’ by supporting the OUT Campaign, as though somehow it is the OUT Campaign which is setting fire to a structure that has served its purpose very well up until now.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The European Union basically has already been set on fire by the very same people who purport to be defending it, all the OUT Campaign is doing is requesting that everyone should leave the building in an orderly fashion before the flames consume the entire structure.

It really was a noble project, but you just can’t trust people to behave themselves when given continental responsibilities. Was it ever possible to have a united Europe? Are we all simply relearning the lessons of the past in a new way? I open this thread for the purpose of getting some opinions. In retrospect was the European Project actually a complete waste of time?

Can Cosa Nostra Re-Organize on its Racial Roots in True Honor to Defend Italy and Europe?

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 24 April 2016 10:11.

There is an absurd and detrimental habit of thought among WN who would draw the line of race too narrowly, snobbishly, and among those who would find weakening our defense convenient, that Sicilians are not White or are heavily mixed with blacks

I have long advised against romanticized images of the Italian Mafia as portrayed in the legacy media. These are not organizations based on honor and family, as that media depicts, but rather criminal organizations based on money facilitated through treachery - these have not been organizations for our racial defense as we White Nationalists might hope.

In an irony, however, now that the immigration invasion has brought with it waves of African organized crime as well, suddenly the Cosa Nostra is forced to act in defense of its turf in racial terms - and just as suddenly, the legacy media condemns it, the Italian Mafia, as the problem in that interface - not the immigration invasion, not the organized crime that it brings. Needless to say, the legacy media does not express hope that Mafia will be of some good to the defense of our blood and soil.

In truth, Italian Mafia hasn’t been especially good to Italian and European blood and soil. We can hope that the immigration invasion will force them to change that but to date there has been little to show in the way of honor from Italian Mafia: The Mafia of Campania, known as the Camorra, is hardly an organization which has prioritized Italian let alone other European blood and soil. They have been cooperating with Nigerian organized crime to spread Nigerian prostitutes all over Italy - an ugly blight that can be seen on the side of Italy’s highways. They have gone against tradition, trafficking in heroine and other narcotics. They have taken hostage of Italian businesses to wreak havoc with the economy and possibilities of free enterprise. In one hideous example, having taken over the waste disposal business, they’ve merely dumped toxic waste on the Italian habitat - once productive local farms have been destroyed; a fact that can be proved by science; but these wastelands are readily perceived by the senses, the sight and smell of vast areas strewn with and beset with mounds of unnatural garbage and stench.

An unnatural stench emanates in Sicily as well, one of sulfur, around the garbage strewn and oil refinery lined parameters of Archimedes ancient home of Siracusa - where the Cosa Nostra has control in the oil refining industry.

However, with the aura of Mafia, inter-Italian rivalry, murder and background terror, there has been an apparent consolation - perhaps with the help of that background of corruption and terror, foreign incursions were held somewhat at bay - there is only so much use that foreigners can be put to and only so many of them that are needed to do it. After a certain amount they become a threat to anybody, including Sicilian mafia interests. That limiting condition would act to protect the genotype of Sicilians from overwhelming infiltration. In the foreground of terror, despite all urban legends of Sicilians being “part black”, with inborn, ineducable aggression, they are vindicated of these ignorant attributions by anybody who takes time to observe them - a knowledgeable, considerate, European, White people.

Sicily, like the rest of Southern Italy, has that reputation of background terror which serves to instill a sense that you should be on best behavior with regard to traditions, the local people and potential transgression. In the year total that I spent in Italy and Sicily between 1996 and 1998, I observed in Italians a model European treatment of the Africans who were there. Africans were not walking around in three piece suits with attache cases as you’d see in Paris. Rather, they were allowed to vend an approved array of trinkets and accessories on the streets, with no sign that they could be mistaken for people integrated with Italians - the idea of mistaking them with Sicilians is laughable. If they remained on the street after 10:00p.m. they would be rounded up by baton wielding police, put into paddy wagons and taken away. If Europeans had to host Africans whatsoever, Italians provided a model of how it might be done to keep them in their place.

That protected the EGI from interracial imposition to a large extent. That protection was buttressed also by the reality of a deserved reputation that Italian men have of being very jealous of their women.

Nevertheless, so long as blacks are in your country at all they are a threat; with the aid and force of PC being what it is, they will make their way through cracks in a racial defense system. While Italian mafia and other men were perhaps busy fighting each other or trying to make money, I would always see two or three interracial couples (pretty Italian woman, Negro male) in just about all sizeable cities that I made my way through in Sicily and Campania - even some not so sizeable ones: a few came into my father’s family village during a feast.

Most disturbing to me was the fact that despite the Italian reputation, with few exceptions, I was the only one doing the Italian thing of expressing my indignation and trying to say or do anything about these pairings - and I was the only one who was likely to have any trouble for it. Thus, to get away from the provocation and agitation - with it the rage of mine difficult to control on the front line of racial defense - was a large reason why I opted to live in Poland instead, comfortably ensconced as White and removed from looming threat.

However, I did not leave Sicily before speaking to Cosa Nostra. I told them, urgently, in trance, to stop fighting, destroying and killing each other Italians. I pleaded with them to defend themselves as Italians and Europe; I tugged at the rib of the Godmother; I believe that she heard il Padrino speak through me. Let us hope so, if not pray for that.

The roots of the word and in fact the original purpose of Mafia was in “a wall” to surround and protect the Italian family - at the onset of its organization the threat was from Spanish invasions. However, Sicilians have a deep history of defending against all manner of invasion - including of course from Islam. While the pervasive sounds of church bells rang through the noontime air of Agrigento in a way that might have intimidated Islam at one time, the locals there were the ones who told me that the most critical facilitator in the immigration problem (yes, it was already bad enough in 1998) now is this religion itself - Christianity.

I found that the Sicilians are deep - much deeper than Christianity.

By contrast to the wishes of legacy media, the DM, the cuck mayor of Palermo that the DM presents as an exemplary anti-racist White man, let us hope indeed that they heard il Padrino; that the Mafia will be of some good, and express its true honor, to be that wall, and to help protect the EGI of Italy and the rest of Europe - by means of terror if need be.


Germany Introduces Forced Integration

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 17 April 2016 11:06.

Merkel: intent on revenge / genocide of Germans

TNO, “Germany Introduces Forced Integration” 16 April 2016:

The German government is to give nonwhite invaders preference in the job market and will legally force residential mixing in terms of a new “integration law.”

The law will artificially create 100,000 jobs which will exclusively be allocated to “refugees”—even though there are currently 1.81 million Germans who are unemployed.

To enable this preferential treatment, a currently-existing law which requires employers to give preference to German job applicants will be suspended for three years—in other words, unemployed Germans will be pushed to the back of the seeking-work queue in favor of the nonwhite invaders.

The seasonally adjusted harmonized jobless rate in Germany was, according to Trading Economics, recorded at 4.3 percent in February of 2016, unchanged from the January rate. This means that 1.81 million Germans are out of work.

The proposed law, announced this week by the Angela Merkel government, is being packaged as a measure designed to make “refugees integrate into society in return for being allowed to live and work in the country.”

Under the conservative-socialist coalition government’s measures, the “asylum seekers” will face cuts to their welfare payments if they refuse to attend language classes or “lessons in German laws or cultural basics.”

It has not been said what these “cultural basics” will entail, but, given their behavior in Germany up to this time, they will probably include exhortations not to rape, rob, commit crime, how to use toilets, etc.

The new law will also “punish” the nonwhites if they move away from the white German towns where they have been placed—because the law says the forming of “ghettos” must be prevented.

At the same time, Israel practices racial separatism, seeing no reason to take-on immigrants, let alone assimilate them with integration. On the contrary, the Jews protect their E.G.I. as sacrosanct while compelling others to blend-away theirs with each other.


EU Brexit or expansion into Ukraine? To Be, To Be Putined, Merkeled or Transgendered?

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 04 April 2016 18:00.

...or Schulzed..

Nigel Farage looks on as European Commission’s President Jean-Claude Juncker (L)
kisses the forehead of President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz Photo: AFP

Telegraph, “Juncker calls for ‘compulsory’ redistribution of 160,000 migrants”, 9 Sep 2015.

Breitbart, BREXIT BENCH TEST: Dutch Voters Set To Oppose EU Expansion In Referendum THIS WEEK, 3 April 2016:

Dutch voters will decide on Wednesday whether to support a European treaty deepening ties with Ukraine in a referendum that will test sentiment towards Brussels ahead of Britain’s June Brexit vote and could also bring a boost for Russia.


Any rejection by Dutch voters or by the government would give Russian President Vladimir Putin, who opposes deeper EU-Ukraine ties and who many Dutch blame for the downing by pro-Russian rebels of a plane travelling from Amsterdam, a victory in his war of words with the West.



The government itself shied away from framing the vote in a Russian context but shifted tactic as the referendum approaches.


“Vladimir Putin’s shadow is lurking fairly significantly over this treaty,” said “yes” campaigner Joshua Livestro, arguing that a “no” vote will play into Putin’s hands.

“Are we now going to give Putin what he wants after all?” he said.

Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s cabinet initially stressed the treaty’s economic benefits, but has since focused on its importance for Ukrainian reform in the areas of corruption, human rights and democracy.

“Everyone who wants progress in Ukraine is asking us to vote ‘yes,’ along with 27 other countries. That’s what the referendum is about and nothing else,” Deputy Prime Minister Lodewijk Asscher said on Friday.

“No” campaigners say the treaty is a first step toward full EU membership. “Legal scholars call it quasi membership,” said Baudet.

Many Ukrainian politicians feel their country deserves the treaty and are keen to show they have made progress in aligning their country with EU standards since the 2014 uprising that toppled pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovich.

In a Dutch television interview on Sunday, Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin emphasized progress in areas such as gay and transgender rights where the Dutch have always viewed themselves as progressive leaders.

“In the past 24 months since Maidan we’ve done more reforms than in the last 24 years,” he said.

Considering “Putin’s shadow” seemed as if it might be the issue up to this point.

But if the West is going to help Ukraine, it would do well to get a grip of its own reins.

Part of why gays are not typically worth making a litmus test and taking issue with in a negative sense is because they are not a big deal to normal people - they’re a small percentage of the population, a biological fact of given populations and most people aren’t interested in persecuting them or going to their bars. So why take the matter to PC hyperbole and bring it up as a salient issue, with even tranny tolerance a litmus test to consideration for European cooperation? PC is the last thing that Ukraine needs if our purpose is to secure its EGI along with that of other ethnostates.

Apparently the PTB (Powers That Be) understand that most people will not care but some will over-react to that PC angle, at a volume that might be appropriate if, instead, the PTB had explicitly stated that their displaying good-will to “diversity” and “multiculturalism” was the litmus test for their acceptability to the European Union. Thus would-be ethno-nationalists will divert their energy to that trivia (trannies, etc) and tar and obfuscate opposition to issue that is really important - so called “diversity” which is, in fact imposition of foreign populations - by associating such opposition with those who are hysterical and lacking the judgement of important priority.

Ah yes, when people balk, the PTB can back-off of pushing the “transgender” and gay issue out of respect for Judeo-Christian values; and perhaps most important of all, out of respect for Islam; then we can all agree that Ukraine needs to be tolerant of “diversity” and “multiculturalism” - unlike those hysterical, illiberal, non-Westernized, intolerant people who do not like transgenders - and then it will be ready to be Merkeled with the rest of Europe.

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Manc commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 19:01. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 12:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 12:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 03:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 01:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:08. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 23:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 23:04. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 13:24. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 13:02. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Mon, 30 Dec 2024 22:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Wed, 25 Dec 2024 13:55. (View)

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